Wednesday, January 21, 2015

STI ETF RSP (Jan 2015)

For my regular savings plan for the month of Jan 2015, I made 2 transactions on Monday.
1) I sold all my 800 units of Nikko STI ETF at $3.36
2) I bought 900 units of STI ETF at $3.36 

On Monday, the lot size as reduced from 1000 to 100 units. This allows me to buy STI ETF as part of my rsp from now on. The 2 transactions are meant to convert my existing Nikko STI ETF to STI ETF. I have always preferred the STI ETF as it has a higher trade volume and lower expense ratio (cost).

Going forward, I will buy 100 units of STI ETF every month instead.

A summary of my current units are as follows:

CounterTotal CostTotal UnitsAverage costLast DoneUnrealized
Profit/ Loss
Gain / Loss %
Realized Profit /
Loss / Dividend
STI ETF6,290.121900$3.31$3.40$169.882.70%$45.00
Nikko STI ETF0.000$0.00$3.39$0.000.00%$114.15

Details of all transactions for my rsp are logged here: