Some details include:
Preliminary prospectus available here:$File/CRT%20Preliminary%20Prospectus.pdf
indicative price: $0.93
Offering: 208,815,000 and 248,015,000 Units
Number of units in public offer: 21,505,000 Units
[page 31 of preliminary prospectus]
yield forecast: $0.074, yield: 7.96% for 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014
$0.0749, yield: 8.05% for 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015
[page 10 of preliminary prospectus]
I personally don't like the way they round to the nearest 1 decimal place and say 8 and 8.1% yield.
Gearing: $27,419,096 / $57,685,819 = 0.4753 or 47.5% [page 41 of preliminary prospectus]
Properties and projected income:
Corner stone investors:
[page 72-74 of preliminary prospectus]
- Asdew Acquisitions Pte Ltd
- Citadel Asset Management
- D.E. Shaw Valence International, Inc.
- Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited
- G.K. Goh Strategic Holdings Pte Ltd
- Hong Leong Asset Management
- Hwang Investment Management Berhad
- JF Asset Management Limited
- JABCAP Multi Strategy Master Fund Limited
- Myriad Asset Management Limited
- Target Asset Management Pte Ltd
[page 36 of preliminary prospectus]
Other notes:
This is not a REIT and the trust do not need to maintain above 90% distributions as payout. See differences between REIT and trust for more info:
Differences between reits and trusts